Legal matters

Up early and slowly organising my thoughts into a new longer poem, and reading a bit more Freud. I have almost finished The Uncanny, the Penguin collection of his essays and I have really enjoyed it.  

Pat and Maureen and Lorraine went back to the place they are buying, and also had a chat with the property manager. Then, being the ideal daughter, Lorraine organising everything so that in the afternoon, we were able to zoom off to Brighton. I nipped out of the car and dropped off the legal documents for Pat and Maureen's move at the solicitor's office (we are using Healeys again in the Old Stein so it is Jess's daughter Kate helping us again). Really enjoyed Lorraine and I just having a drive together and a chat, and look at the sunshine on the south coast. Just one last push to get Pat and Maureen here in Seaford, which they are both looking forward to immensely.

Home again, and I picked up the threads of the writing I was doing and spoke to Mum who seemed fairly perky. The road outside is about to be tarmacked so she has parked her car outside her pals John and Margaret so she can still escape to The Waggon and 'Orses when she needs.   

Back to Brighton this evening. Began reading The Sandman by E.T.A. Hoffman on the train. A standoff at Bishopstone with some local kids refusing to pay, and the train's conductor refusing to let the train move till they stumped up, and got off at Newhaven, flipping the conductor the finger, which, like the rise of the grey squirrel, seems to be outcompeting the native v-sign among the young oiks about town. 

Met Messrs Hoibak and Hartley in the Evening Star, standing at the bar as I arrived enjoying a very sensible 3.5% abv beer from Burning Sky called Plateau. (I love how the copy on the Plateau page says 'Full in flavour, zesty, refreshing & low in alcohol, this beer will have you returning to the bar for another'. What, another beer? This regular drink with my Copland schoolmates has settled into a cheery session. We ended up at Wahaca restaurant, which is a decent choice, as the food is well-priced and fresh. A final beer in the Nelson, a pint of Harvey's mild, sneaking in at 2.8% abv. Feeling distinctly sober on the way home, and as Lorraine was still awake, we read a bit more of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader before dropping to sleep.
