Home from Home

Lorraine and I up at seven thirty and after breakfasting and poking an antibiotic into Calliope's mouth etc. off to Ashford. As we were driving through Rye, Lorraine noticed that the van behind us was from the removers. We got to Pat and Maureen's house a little before them. A father and son removal team from Seaford, the son suffering from kidney stones, which is a bit grim, and the dad not much younger than me. Luckily not too much to move from Pat and Maureen's house. 

Lorraine knew what to take and what not to take. I dug up a rose in the garden that had been given to Maureen by her sister. I felt something end-of-chapterish about leaving Pat and Maureen's house, and of course for Lorraine it was the family home since she was a little girl. However little time for sentimentality,  we  zoomed off, back the almost two hours to Seaford eating peanut butter sandwiches en route.  

More complicated to unload stuff at Stratheden Court, and take it up to the second floor but all well. Lorraine and I moved things about in where we thought things should go, and made up the bed. Beth and James collected Pat and Maureen from our place and drove them around. James and I went out to get some fish and chips, and we had a jolly time and a sip of champagne to celebrate.

Maureen and Pat wanted to stay the night in their flat, so we all left, and Lorraine took them their medications. All's well that ends well. 

Below while James and I were shopping, Lorraine took this snap of them sitting on their bed, looking out of their bedroom window together. It was a really happy moment and Pat and Maureen had been cuddling which had made Beth and Lorraine teary eyed.

