
Up at seven. Fiddling more with my other website, trying to bring it into the 21st century. 

Big news for me during the day was that I was sent the proofs of the Mariscat Sampler One. It looks rather lovely, and I am pleased with the selection that has been made. I read Helen and Marilyn's poems today (the two other poets in the collection) to Lorraine while we were sitting outside. We were really impressed with their work. I am so pleased with it.

The poems the Editor Hamish Whyte chose from me are these: The House With Blue Curtains, Forgiveness:A Guided Meditation, The Door in the Wall, Thunderstruck, Black Kawasaki KH250, Jack Daniel's, Chrononaut, Relic and The House of Hidden Hope. They will appear in that order, and hang together nicely. 

I went to the gym in the afternoon again. Trying to get back into a routine, and enjoying it. Already, after just three visits this week, I feel the positivity it gives you. Lurking a bit in the garden this afternoon with Lorraine, who was harvesting our amazing beetroots, some of them the size of cricket balls.

Lorraine went out for dinner with some of her pals from the book group, I enjoyed a quiet evening in listening to music and feeling rather pleased with myself. 

Below a haul of beetroots, and Lorraine having just pulled them all out of the raised bed. 
