Birthdays, bones and Nightmares

Sam and Pat's actual birthdays today. Lorraine went out for lunch with Pat and Maureen, and had a good chat with Sam, who although not doing birthdays, was in good spirits. Lorraine sent him one of her crocheted bags.

A morning being able to focus, which was marvellous. Have a sense, which I hope is not an illusion, of making a large step forward with the poems, and refining what the project is all about. 

In the afternoon off to Brighton to get my hair cut. As last time a the same bloke walked in and started talking insultingly to Stacy about when his appointment was and so on. By chance he appeared last time I went there. He is a client Stacy inherited called Barry the Nightmare, and is in his phone by that name, which Stacy said was awkward when Barrry the Nightmare looked at Stacy's phone the other day. Stacy also told me I wash my hair too much.

Then to my traditional ideologically unsound Starbucks, which has had a bit of a refurbishment to make it slightly less welcoming, but is still fine for my purposes. Anton tore himself away from work early, and we met in the Evening Star for a pint and a game of bones and a long discussion about books, naturally Tolkien of course, and arcane matters of what happened to Gollum after Bilbo took his ring and before he showed up in LotR He is working far too hard at the moment, and is bleak with prospect of work stretching before him relentlessly. Still we had a good laugh.

Toby called while I was in the pub, and then we spoke more when I got home. A lot of adjustments to be made with the move still, and he feels a bit swept along by events.

Heard from Adele today, the print they got for me... Turns out this line comes from a song written in Lockdown and performed by the Fred again...feat. The Blessed Madonna called Marea -- We've lost dancing. about not being able to dance. I love this print, it makes me feel optimistic every day. She asked me to snap it for her



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