More businesslike

Woke up worried that Lorraine wanted to move to London, as she had been insisting on it in my dream, although she denied it in real life. Otherwise a sense that things were moving forwards a bit again. Spoke to Fi at the Chiswick agency, and arranged to go up to London on Friday morning and the extent of the job. It only seems a two-dayer, but that is nevertheless welcome indeed and I will get to chat with Matty Boy and Slug too. Also I signed off my accounts. I had a reply from the accountant from 1AM, with news of what my tax bill will be this year. Thankfully not as steep as I had feared it might be.  In thanking him, I advised an early night.

Otherwise I went virtuously to the gym, and worked hard on completing my horror story, The Inheritor. It is shaping up really well I think, and I have a very neat ending to it now. Lorraine working late tonight, it being a governors meeting, so I snuck off and got myself fish and chips, which I enjoyed a good deal, and watched Larry Sanders DVDs till Lorraine returned home and I made her a snack, and we watched Masterchef, while she ate a quorn sausage sandwich with mustard and sauerkraut, my new snack of choice.

To bed, and I read her a bit from The Box of Delights, which sends her instantly to sleep. It is good for me though, because I normally sped through the book as a child, and savouring it a few paragraphs at a time (and often having to repeat paragraphs the next day because Lorraine fell asleep in them) is certainly a different way of reading. It is a great book I think.
