
Unpacked the glass and had a look at the samples that had come with my stained glass starter pack. Some unusual pieces, opaque glass samples and very pale tints, and four big pieces of plain glass. Lorraine and I drove to buy a small light for the porch so I we can find the keyhole at night. Also drawn to a large Hobbycraft store next to the Homebase, which had some fabric for Lorraine, and I enjoyed lurking in there. This place will be catnip for Maureen when she's next in town.

Home and I successfully drilled holes in brick, under Lorraine's adult supervision, and we tidied up the front garden, disturbing fat nicely patterned garden spiders while the cats zoomed in and out of the house. Chatting to neighbours. A peaceful day. Spoke via text to Toby marking school work in his cafe, while cooking as Lorraine worked.

A very dull overcast afternoon that turned to heavy rain eventually. Still very warm for October.

It was only last Sunday that we had the rather rushed celebration of Janet's life. Gradually processing all the recent events, and feel less upset by the events surrounding her death than I was.  This Sunday felt refreshingly normal and untraumatic.

A roast chicken tonight, and veggies. Enjoying this book I bought recently. Compulsory Games, by Robert Aickman. A book of 'strange stories', domestic unremarkably drab English settings, with a mad off kilter slightly supernatural element that drives the characters into a variety of purgatories. Rather good.
