Carrying on

Getting up early these days. Sent off two poetry manuscripts, more from muscle memory than optimism. Pooterishly spoke to plumbers, to pay them and talk about our downstairs toilet. Russ the plumber said he'd call me early next week to arrange a time to come round at my convenience. I sniggered, but he didn't understand why. It made me think of the old Carry On film, Carry on at your Convenience. Toilets just don't seem to be called Public Conveniences any more.

A short walk curtailed by rain, then I slid into inertia. I feel tired, and absent of enthusiasm.

Dawn come round this evening for a chat and a bite to eat and to leave me a present for tomorrow. Her elbow seems to be healing quickly, although it feels odd and painful.

Below the cast of Carry on at your Convenience on Brighton Pier,  now going under its old name of Brighton Palace Pier, which is what it would have been called when this film was made.
