A celebration

Helped by Lorraine I had to work on getting my head straight for this afternoon's celebration of Janet's life, which we held upstairs at Grand Central, where I had done my last poetry reading in Brighton.  We arrived at the venue first, and Heather and Kim and Rasmini arrived, who put frankincense on a few people, including myself. We got a couple of tables and the nieces and Lorraine put examples of Janet's embroidery on, plus another decked out with photos of Janet and Ken.

It proved to be a good venue, and quite a few dozen showed up, which was impressive considering how tight the timescales were.

The afternoon was very warm and successful. There was a mic and I ended up being a bit of an MC for a short while reading out the lovely messages people had sent Madeline and I about Janet. Caroline came too, and played a tape of Ken singing. A few people spoke, including memorably Reem, who wrote and delivered an excellent speech. I also had the opportunity to make an impromptu speech about Janet and Ken and what they had meant to me, which felt very good.

Several members of Janet's family, including Lynne and Chris, who I have seen at numerous parties, many people she taught or mentored, and old trusty stalwarts.  Hus was there with Kata, and May and Reem, who are both excellent girls. Several of Janet and Ken's stalwart pals were there including Sonia and Ray, Bren and Madeline with her husband Stuart. I also met Remo again, who had been a bit of a guardian angel to me when I'd been burgled in the Twitten.

Lorraine and I left everyone on a fond note, and said goodbye to Kim who is flying back tomorrow. Heather gave Lorraine some flowers. The event had been positive and fun, and totally in keeping with what Janet might have wanted.

Much relieved I came home and fell asleep on the sofa, while Lorraine prepared for school tomorrow.  I am left feeling that things are finally getting back to normal, and that seems just fine to me.

Below a snap of a table of photographs of Janet and Janet and Ken. Caroline had also brought along a photo of the poem I had read at their wedding back in 1991.
