Beany bowls of goodness

Another tranquil day. A cup of tea in bed from lovely Lorraine. I did a smidge more for mes amis in France, and pushed on a little with the waiting room work, and did little apart from send a few emails. Went for a walk around in Preston Park, where I did most of my ten thousand paces going into the walled garden circling the park and crossing Preston Road I slid dangerously on the slippy rocks of the rock garden. Sat in the walled garden but a nearby drone ruined the tranquility.

I cooked a fine bean jar today. The stars aligned and it was excellent. We ate beany bowls of it this evening with a thick slice of chewy brown bread. Lorraine very appreciative. Delicious. As I always remark about a bean jar, it is the smell of thing slowly cooking all day that is so nice too.

Been reading a strange story a day by Robert Aickman. Listened to an old BBC R4 programme about him. The stories are excellent, and Aickman who died in 1981 remains little known.

An annoying drone.
