The Nightwork

A terrible night, with a sudden, painful and inflamed knee, coughing and general sleeplessness. Felt dreadful and hobbling so did not go up to London. Instead was in bed most of the day, reading and dozing and consuming various pills. Finished A Confederacy of Dunces at last, which made me smile a bit through the haze of tiredness and general discomfort. It is a good book to read in snatches.

Also forced to miss the poetry workshop tonight, which is galling too. Chelsea lost today too. Gah, generally.

On a happier note. I got the artwork, by Hannah Clare, through for the front of my pamphlet the other day... Looks pretty cool I think. The pamphlet is going to be called The Nightwork, and I gave a brief involving birds and dark stuff, and this certainly met the brief...
