Silver sea

Bright, sunny and fresh. After the obligatory huge breakfast, Lorriane and I walked in the fresh air down towards Moulin Huet, stopping at the Moulin Huet pottery place and walked about the shop but nobody was there, apart from a television leaking the unpleasant bickering of Coronation Street, which made Lorraine wince.

Then we walked through the wooded valley, and took the cliff path towards Jerbourg. Gorgeous day, and the cliffs patched with rusty bracken, yellow lichen, and all the turning greens. Spotted a kestrel, among the gulls and occasional rook. Lorraine and I ambled along feeling happy, chatting to another couple for a while. The sun silvering the sea beautifully over the pea stacks.

Lorraine and I loving the opportunity to unwind and be together, with nothing to be done other than talk and have fun. We just needed to have some mental elbow room to process all the events of the last few months.

We took the path back from the Doyle Memorial back homeward. We stopped off at The Captains for sandwiches and a brace of Pony ales. These are kept in a fridge in the back room, and the barmaid always look surprised when you ask for them, odd that they are actually brewed in Guernsey. Enjoyed sitting there and trying to remember exactly where the patios bar was. Lorraine and I talking about the demise of public and saloon bars in pubs.

Then back to La Barbarie for a luxurious afternoon sleep, and a relaxed evening: another feast featuring for me an extremely satisfactory steak and ale pie. Lorraine and I revelling in all the beautiful catless sleep. Can feel myself feeling increasingly relaxed hour by hour. Wonderful to see Lorraine doing the same too.

Below the silver sea towards the Pea Stacks, the cliff path leading above Moulin Huet, and a shot of the west side of Moulin Huet.
