
Another night coughing and sweating. Ear only mildly painful now and leaking noxious things. This kind of illness makes me intolerably self-centred too, so I spent the morning lurking about sorting out a few bits around the house to make things look a little straighter when Lorraine returned. Also I completed a job for the agency at home. Also chatted to Mum and Mas. Really looking forward to a time when I am not continually soaked with sweat.

Recieved a post operative text from Bob yesterday: Survived. He is having a big cartilage sort out in his knee.

Beth up at lunchtime after a night of mad dancing, with all her reunited pals. Sam joined them too, and it's not every brother and sister who enjoy partying together. The man came around to replace the glass in the front door so now the catflap is correctly positioned. After a lunch of an apple and a corn on the cob I went back to bed.

This evening was Beth's last evening and Sam came around and we scarfed Chinese takeout companionably enough. Betty was given a flip camera as a going away present. Beth and Sam selecting cutlery, plates and pans to take away with them. Sam declaring at one point that he never used spoons.

I repaired to bed after speaking to Dawn, who is also ill. My decking and kitchen are finished. I will creep up there tomorrow.

Re-read The Door in the Wall again for what must be about the sixth time. Matt and I have been discussing this as something to base some work on, but I am beginning to think it may be too thin. Interesting story though full of unresolved symbols: two spotted panthers playing with a ball and so on. I suspect, somehow, that these are unoperatic panthers.
