Figuring it all out

Completed the Sisyphean task of doing my books for my accountant. Sacrificed a few goats etc. to celebrate. There is something aesthetically satisfying about seeing all the figures in rows and neatly arranged figures. But it is a dark and suspect art.

I also did some billing for the smatters of work I have done in the last few weeks and arranged to work in Tavistock Square next week, increasing my confidence that the much-plundered Kenny coffers will eventually have doubloons in them again. I spent all my twenties worried about money, and I am not enjoying this squeaky episode.

Broke off to get my 'good' ear cleaned out by the nurse. Nothing much emerged, so I was left wondering if had been successful. From there up to the Twitten where I worked in the garden cutting back the jasmine which was growing over the top of my fence to provide an aromatic roof for the midnight micturators.

Home, and finished all my work by four, and lurked pleasantly in the house till Lorraine came home. After scarfing some grub we slipped up to The Open House for a cheeky beer. Eventually found a seat, and Lorraine placed her beer on the table, which was sloped and polished like an ice rink, it instantly slid off and spilled all over the floor. We were given another beer, as we were told, this happens often. Both of us were overtired and the noise in the pub was very distracting for the newly deaf me, which made me irritable. Home to watch a documentary about Pink Floyd which was a lovely nostalgia trip for me.
