More monkish business

Working hard and surprisingly fluently on the A Guernsey Double poems, much to my relief. Started two new ones today. One about David my grandfather, the other about fishing. Working in a focused, productive way. Some good ideas. Shortly to start a final cold eyed, sneering edit, willing to murder my darlings and slashing any remaining dead wood. Part of me really looking forward to this bit.

In the evening off to the Basketmakers to meet Lorraine and her work pal also called Lorraine. Gary, Lorraine's ex-husband at the bar on the other side of the pub.

Lorraine's friend Lorraine used to live in Mrs Thatcher's Finchley constituency. Much to Lorraine's disgust her non-political mother proudly displayed a photograph of herself meeting Mrs T in the living room for some time, appalling Lorraine and all right-thinking visitors.

Below Joan sent me a nice photo of interspecies cooperation. Nico the dog being cleaned by Baxter after a walk in misty rain. Baxter started at the tail apparently and worked up. Ah for a quick walk in those Ontario woods... I might pass on the post walk cat licks though.


a said…
Is that right-thinking or left-thinking?
Peter Kenny said…
Ha! Maybe it's right-thinking, left leaning.