A cold shower and a happy day

Up with the sparrows to work on my Pooran Desai piece. Though the sparrows contributed little. Then, after a long chat with Lorraine, got a grip on about fifty things whirling around my brain and produced three mindmaps. These instantly decluttered my head, leaving me feeling calm, in control, and clear.

Lorraine has taught me in the last few weeks that when you create a to do list, put everything in the past tense. So it would be something like "established a target figure for income" or "finished laundry". Somehow it really works.

After all this worthy stuff, a very chilled day indeed. A phone call or two re cats. But no luck. Perhaps I should be new age about this. I have asked the universe for a cat, and simply believe that one will manifest itself.

Went walkabout in a sunny Brighton, pausing to pick up a book for Anton by famous cartoonist Gilbert Shelton (of Furry Freak Brothers fame) who was doing a personal signing session in Dave's Comics. More about that in my daywork blog. He seemed a lovely, and gentle character.

After this we drifted through the open air food festival, with a great many stalls, then down to the beach, which was thronging with people in the sun. Passing a jazz band, we had a cup of tea at the Meeting Place, and I felt more relaxed than I have done for some time.

After Lorraine left I went for a swym. The pool and showers are not heated, due to some mechanical failure which has lasted most of the week, but has at least provoked talking among the gym's denizens. And more involuntary yelping from me. Even I had quite a nice chat with a bloke with enormous biceps after I emerged grey faced, but Spartan, from the cold shower.

Then home, to a veggie chili and brown rice. Have eaten exceedingly healthily this week. And as for my week's drinking: a mere two pints of beer and a small glass of wine, which for me is low.

Working more in the evening, and a talk with the Tobster who is getting back into the swing of teaching, and managing a tricky class. Also we were gleeful about the harvest (of tunes and audiobooks from one another's collections).

Below the very pleasant Gilbert Shelton drawing on the book I scored on behalf of Anton.
