Jabba Jabba Hey

A rough hack slouching towards London to be scorned. My holiday like a golden carrot gleaming at the other end of the week. Bah to sore throats, bah to pitches, and double bah to trains. And work like pulling hen's teeth, but me and the Gnome laboriously assembling our scraps into shape.

Left work late, and my train was cancelled at Victoria, so arrived home a little after 9:30pm. Nice IM with Sprinkles, who had sent me some more immaculately-coiffured, and gorgeous photos of herself for my private collection.

Gnawing at foul food all day, including chocolate biscuits. The Gnome has a chocolate reflex when he is feeling stressed and he keeps buying them for me too. And I eat them in a gorging self-loathing way. And because I was late I scored a pizza from M&S to cook in the comfort of my own home too. By the time Sprinkles gets here I will resemble Jabba the Hut.

Below your favourite blogger pictured earlier today.


helloagol said…
Hello Yummy...I CANNOT believe you just put that picture up and said those things! I didn't reply on Katie's blog comment, but I will on yours.

5 things --

1) A good thrashing when I land to see you and some more every day.
2) I love Star Wars but not as much as Star Trek.
3) I like freaky alien action. Wink.
4) You are an incredible gorgeous man who is sexy, wickedly funny and intelligent.
5) Read 1 through 4. Repeat.

Planning the thrashing portion of my visit...Sprinkles

PS Tawny asked, "Where's the blue/grey jumper?"
Peter Kenny said…
Thank you Sprinkles. If not for the thrashing, but for outing me as "Yummy".
helloagol said…
Am I bovvered?
Peter Kenny said…
No. You seem not to be, but I am still studying your face.