My good luck with poems this year continues. I seem to be writing in an uninhibited way which is lovely to experience.

I got my moleskine out on the London train out of habit and wrote a love poem. I am going to break my resolution of not putting drafts on the blog as this seems fairly complete at first take. I was talking on this blog a while ago about Ted Hughes and how people didn't believe he wrote The Thought Fox quickly and easily. This may not be up to his standards but I scribbled this in my moleskine in under twenty-five minutes, followed by another twenty typing it up and tinkering when I got to work. Had Keats at the back of my mind... hence the title, and the darkling reference from Ode to a Nightingale.

My muse, as ever, is Mary Jane and this is about the walk we took on Thursday November 17th. (Having a blog is amazing for pinpointing things.) I am proud of this poem, and MJ likes it too. It may change a bit once I've let it lie for a while.


We waited till November to walk by the Sound
We slam the car doors and crunch along the shore
Into this remnant of a lost forest.
Strangely, the leaves have not fallen,
They’ve retained their glory for us:
Two people who walk in a poem
Like an ode’s two darklings
Who’ve criss-crossed the sundering sea
With phones and email and aircraft.
We walk deep into the fall
Of gilded foliage flecked with red.
The wind is freshening from the north
But our hands grow warm with walking.
Know this my lover, my promised one, later
I will wrap your body in breath and fire,
And nightingale all my hidden heart
In the hazel forest of your eyes.

Oddly, at work I couldn't muster the same enthusiasm for writing about computers, chronic pain, and business processes. I took a late lunch, however, and went for a swim, I am lucky that I can manage my work to be able to steal away to do this. I had the pool to myself for ten minutes at the end which allowed me to slip into an empty mind.

After work I went to the OSP with some of the lads from creative. Had a couple of beers which went straight to my head.

Home and my broadband had arrived. Assembled it and revelling in the speed of it. Spoke to MJ and then we played via the internet mad drawing games and so on. Broadband is very cool.
