A lovely day in Brighton. Tinkering early with poems, then striving to achieve first world hygiene standards before Di's visit. After all, I'm still in the first flush of having a functioning toilet again.

Shortly after arriving, and imbibing quick coffee, Di set off to inspect Brighton. I headed off to the YMCA (where it's fun to be) in Hove.

There Baby Klauds and several of her mates were having a party. Most of the adult attendees were members NCT group, and Anna had organised a party for them all as their babies' second birthdays were coincident. There was a mini playground set up with slides and little cars and things to bounce on and crawl through, and many nippers.

As I walked in, Anton imperiously handed me Anna's camera. I took loads of photos of children with it and conceived a horrible yearning to have a camera just like it. I broke off only to eat multiple sausage rolls and cake and quaff fizzy pop. Managed also to talk to Brian (and co-dote on Baby Klauds with him) and some of the guys I met in the pub a couple of weeks ago. Anna using a pump to make bubbles that gave off a puff of smoke as they exploded.

Later Anton imperiously handed me the broom to sweep up, but this time wasn't so successful. He drove us back to his place where we had tea and he demonstrated his new headphone amp and we hung about chatting for a bit.

Shaila called me in the car, back in the country again, and saying she was buying a house near Basingstoke.

In the evening Di and me slid off to The Caxton for martini and beer. Chatting about her impressions of Brighton, and discussing subjects that were both a) lofty and b) deep. She is doing another comedy class and looking afresh at her stand-up act.

After this, Di took me for a meal at Indian Summer. Delicious tucker, and good service. I had exceedingly nice chicken cooked with pomegranate. Home, and after cups of green tea, Di sloped off to sleep in one of the bunk beds, and I spoke to my beloved MJ. She was cooking, and I took the opportunity to torment her with tales of tamarind sauce and homemade samosas.
