Off to work... work fine although I was wanting to fast forward it! Went off site with Mike to focus on a couple of pitches. Left at 4:30pm however as MJ was waiting for me at home. She had cleverly found Brighton, the keys, the chocolate milk, and chocolates and had slept deeply and was waiting for me bright as a button when I got home.

Extremely happy to see each other indeed. Off into the Lanes and ate a feast of tapas and drank a couple of glasses of cava. Lots of fun, although MJ a bit disturbed to discover that she was sitting under a pig's trotter projecting from a basket near her head. She'd thought it was a stick of bread before I helpfully indicated its toes.

Home, and lots of catching up to do, over which a veil of discretion must be drawn. Very relaxed and happy, even watching some TV with MJ enjoying the differences.
