Undisciplined flowers

Sunday, doing a few odds and ends during the morning, and having chats with mum, and also catching up with Janet who is plotting a beano for Ken's 85th birthday.

Lorraine preparing for her job interview which is happening this week. The afternoon spent in the garden with Lorraine, regaining control of our flowerbeds. Because we were so mad for planting in Spring the beds were choked with flowers and dozens of spiderwebs. These we thinned out, and took down the tomatoes which had given us a pretty bumper crop, and talked to each other about being more disciplined about flowers next year. Be interesting to see what happens. I think our worst failure was beans, sadly. The snails ravaged them and we had barely half a dozen pods from them, some of those pre-gnawed by gastropods. Lorraine found a toad in the garden too, which appears to live under the decking. We left it to its own devices.

In the evening Betty cooked us a rather excellent roast chicken, and then John offered to go out to pick up some ice cream and chocolate. We had a few glasses of wine and played Euchre, which was great fun and I was more relaxed and cheery that I expected to be on the eve of The Great Chad Adventure. Beth and I, as documented below, stormed to victory.
