A restful Sunday

A glorious lie-in this morning, after I woke up early to feed the cats and have a hobbit's first breakfast of porridge and simply gone back to bed. Lorraine and I up again at noon and we had a hobbit's second breakfast of beans on toast and duck eggs that Beth had scored. Later eating lots of vegetables. I don't seem to have eaten many of the blighters for some time and that can't be good for you.

A spot of work in the front garden this afternoon, cutting bushes back with Lorraine and both avoiding an enormous spider. I found I have little stamina and was soon tired. The Kenny bowels, which have experienced few worse weeks. Took some senna last night and again this morning, which resulted in a  joyful unblocking, half a dozen times. This gave way to diarrhoea by the end of the night and my stomach feeling like someone had kicked it.

A chat with Mum this evening. We are looking forward to going to Guernsey next weekend. It will be brilliant. A happy time.
