Worst case scenarios

A lousy night's sleep and up at sixish, and off to Teddington. Here I met Matt and Brad, the Canadian filmmaker for a day of security training: effectively what do to in every conceivable worst case scenario you can imagine, delivered by a man who has spent much of his life working in hostile environments, bless his white rimmed eyes. He likes it, and what almost killed him was working as a civil servant for five years before he turned into an adventurer. Lots of common sense stuff such as if you are being robbed simply give them what they want, right up to the best position to take on the floor if someone throws a live grenade into a room. We had to fling ourselves down a couple of times. It was all a bit over the top, but I guess good to know.

Sandwiched in with this, I had to break away at lunchtime with Matt, where I gave a creative presentation. Then back for more mayhem in the afternoon before I could train home. Lorraine picked me up from the station as she was returning from Pilates. The nagging headache that started on the train, developed into a whopper by bedtime but very happy to be home with my lovely wife.

Discovered that Jane had sent me a link to The Guernsey Zombie Run, which is happening on 11 October. A splendid idea I think. She also sent me this stunning photo of the blood moon.
