Plenty to do

Off to London this morning early, sporting my new jacket under fine skies. Arrived in plenty of time at the station, but because the ticket seller's machine suddenly went slow, I only just caught my train.

Into the passport office, where a passport lady told me that I'd not changed in ten years. If only, but I did look dour in my last photo though.

Then to Chiswick for discussions with Stephen on work matters. It started raining again there, then back to Victoria to collect my shiny new passport and leap on a train. Once at Preston Park I walked home in torrential rain in my brand new jacket, which was a galling. Betty and Lorraine both at home, Beth rightly feeling horrible by having to get up for 4:20 the next morning.

Had a long chat with Helen, who is recovering from surgery and about to undergo radiotherapy. Good to talk to her about everything. We agreed to meet up after I return from Chad.

Pleased to be working from home for the rest of the week on my freelance projects, however. Under the cosh this week with plenty to do, and low energy.
