A walk to the cinema

Beth creeping out of the house at a time starting with four this morning. Rain torrential. Luckily I was working from home, and uncharacteristically struggling with a brief. Partially this is because some of the information is not there yet. All difficult and making me twitchy. Not a particularly good day. The evening, however, a different matter.

At a little before six, Lorraine and I sauntered off to the Duke of York's where we met Dawn and saw the movie A Walk in the Woods, based on a book by Bill Bryson I once read on a plane, In fact one of the few books I have ever read on a plane. Perfectly watchable, although liberties were taken as it starred Robert Redford and so had Bryson hiking as an older man, which he wasn't at the time. A perfectly pleasant watch, with a few chuckles. Emma Thompson fantastic as usual in her small role.

Then home to hang out with Dawn who was going to have a sleepover. Lovely evening, eating a chicken stew and chatting. Beth and John arrived later too and we arranging to all go out on Halloween, as a late celebration of Dawn's birthday. I want to wear a Frankenstein's monster head. I've had this ambition for a while now.

Below a complete rainbow arch this morning as photographed from our bedroom.
