Unseen Spitfires

Torrential rain this morning, Lorraine drove me down to Preston Park station, I bought a ticket for the week. My phone told me I was already late for a meeting in Teddington, which I'd completely forgotten about. I called Matty to apologise and tell him I would be late, and found that wires had been crossed and I wasn't actually required. Luckily I hadn't boarded a train yet, so walked back up the hill, drinking the large cup of tea I had bought at the station. A bit of diary haywire stuff going on.

Matt who had reassuring news about the security that will be in place for the Chad trip. We will be based is a lowest risk area in the country. Surprised to learn that mobile phone coverage there is good too -- Chad having moved straight to mobile -- and we will be given local sim cards so I will be able to phone home.

The day not a write off financially as my French amis piped up with a bit of work on cows with sore udders, so I was gainfully employed for the day. And quite enjoyed it. Lorraine also in a cheery mood not having to do any form stuff for the first time in ages.

Spitfires and Hurricanes flying about today, when the rain abated in the afternoon. And their flight route passed nearby but I saw nothing. I did convince myself every now and then that I heard the growl of Merlin engines in the sky and sprang upstairs to crane my neck from our Juliette balcony but to no avail.
