Gorgeous evening

Lorraine up early and off to physiotherapist and then to the hairdresser. I felt rather sluggish and did sluggish and unproductive things till she returned, and then simply fell asleep for an hour.

Then off to Steyning this afternoon to see Dawn, and enjoy the delights of her garden and meet a couple of her pals Matt and Charlotte. Sat in her little back garden, looking over the low wall out onto the common and then then up to the Downs. Beautiful. Matt and Charlotte were both runners, and had lots to say to one another. Matt also gives talks in Lewes about the pubs and drinkers of Edwardian times.

The barbecue went out, so Dawn cooked the stuff indoors, but it kept enough of a glow to keep us warm as the temperature dropped. Eventually the view got to me and I climbed over the wall and walked off into the green enticed by the sheer loveliness of it..

A group of schoolchildren were crossing it singing "When the Saints Come Marching In" rather well.  Lorraine feeling grim and sore throaty by the end of the evening, so we drove home a little after it had got dark. The new moon rising with two planets in conjunction in the general spooky direction of Chanctonbury ring, which Toby had photographed down in Panama.
