Cathead business

Bad night's sleep, but up early and working on the new Matt collaboration pieces, then off to the gym for a lively workout before home and rather undoing all the good work with the egg and bacon sandwiches I made for myself and the crutch-waving Betty.

Sent off more albums, including Jenny at BBC Guernsey, and Mario Petrucci who I am going for coffee with next month. I am slowly beginning to consider my current phase as a beneficial re-vamp of my business, which should create firmer foundations for the next few years.

The afternoon, however, on cathead business as Janet is repeating her Open House this year. I went to see Janet and Ken, and enjoyed cups of Lady Gray tea and flapjacks and other fancies while discussing the correct manner to display Mum's papier mache catheads (which I'd brought round) as well as drifting into politics, David Hockney, Neanderthals and so on. Ken mentioned a new Chinese story about The Red Deer People who may be a newly discovered species of human, who ate lots of venison.

Discussion came around to the evil black cat, and Ken returned with a fierce pump action water pistol, which he lent me. I greatly enjoyed his account of hanging out of a window to squirt seagulls with it. Unfortunately The Old Church Hall does not allow much in the way of sniper vantage spots.

Once Lorraine had returned from work, Lorraine, Betty and I had a curry in the Shahi tonight. Betty quite speedy on her crutches when she gets going. Suddenly very tired this evening and took myself off to bed while Lorraine and Beth watched Zorro, which was unexpectedly Welsh flavoured.
