Bob in Brighton

Feeling quite cheery today, taking care of business and beginning to think laterally, approaching a magazine with a wheeze, billing the AIDS Alliance, writing covering letters about the CD, and sending off a volley of email.

Meet Bob in The Cricketers, as he was staying at the Thistle Hotel having delivered some training in Lewes. He was on good form, and we had a really good night with lots to talk about over a curry and a few beers, topped off with a thimble of vodka in the Scandinavian Bar. This tasted vaguely of Famel cough mixture and smoky bacon.

From there we went to the front to stare at the sea. The horizon was a foggy lineless black. We looked down nostalgically at the bright young things heading for one of the nightclubs and then we walked together as far as Preston Circus, before Bob loped off under the gibbous moon. Jolly good to see him.
