Inspiron rage

Hot night. Woke up and trying to fix computer today,which at least turns on again. Infuriatingly after running various diagnostics I stupidly ended up buying a fix online which didn't work. Realised only then that it was a dubious at best company and so, feeling foolish, had to cancel my credit card. Managed not to become furious which was an achievement. And also followed up a promising business lead.

My computer is a Dell Inspiron, and when I used to work on the Dell account at my old agency I used to write an ongoing soap called 'Rage of the Inspirons'. They are getting their revenge.

Otherwise little to report. Started to design the promotional material for the plays in August, which we are calling 'Pack of 3'. Sloped off to the air conditioned gym in the afternoon. Spent an hour or two this evening rehearsing This concert will fall in love with you downstairs while Calliope looked on with interest.

Not my most productive of days. But thank God my computer is working again, albeit hanging on by a thread.
