Mindmap with cats

In need of several teas this morning. Up at Lorraine's place and then we both wandered back to mine. Began a huge mindmap of all the million things I need to do before L and I can move together. This involves things like redoing decking, and talking to banks, and learning how to rent places and a dozen other things way beyond the outer limits of my comfort zone. Worst of all is Calliope, who sat with us batting my pen. I don't know how she is going to rub along with Basil and Brian. Vets have to be consulted, and plug in pheromone things bought to soothe the transition. Maybe I need a human version of that too.

Popped up to see Janet again, and hand her a belated birthday card. Lots of people streaming through her show, though few bigger ticket items were bought.

In the evening back to Lorraine's, where she cooked up an incredibly nice meal and we had Dawn around. Sam was also there, so the four of us had dinner, Sam on good form especially about politics. Beth and Mark there too. Beth with a ghastly spasmed back, which Mark managed to massage away. Really enjoyed talking to Dawn, and fortuitously she can help a good deal with the things I need to know, and knows people who can do stuff at reasonable prices. This made me feel a good deal cheerier. A nice night.
