
Biffed straight into writing schemes today. Had a good think about the Guernsey Literary Festival in May, and what I can do about the Children's workshops I am doing. Decided that I need to write a short story based in Guernsey starring Skelton Yawngrave, which I can give to the kids. Will include in it La Biche, which is a ghostly nanny-goat which was supposed to live a couple of hundred yards down the road from my Grandparents. Began writing straight away, and spent two hours in the cafe plotting it in great detail. Also phoned Mum to get her to paint La Biche for the cover.

After this goat-related business, and a lunchtime chat with Lorraine, and working in the cafe, I went for a walk by the seafront, feeling a swelling happiness and optimism. A beautiful day, and Spring has come at last. Hordes of people sitting on the pebble beach, young girls with blue legs in the breeze. People everywhere playing volleyball, strolling past strumming buskers and dozens of boys and youths on skateboards doing rubbish tricks in loose teeshirts. Seemed as if a great pent up longing for outdoor life had at last spilled out.

Home and more work on the story, and then summoned by text by Richard Gibson to the Evening Star to have a beer with my musician mates. Enjoyed chatting to Steve about his Sumerian Kyngs gig, while Richard and Dipak where wheeling and dealing with students who will record Richard's Shakespearean tunes. Glen (aka Fingers) was there too having been very busy of late. Chatting to Steve it turns out the lyricist of the Kyngs has left, and I half-jokingly said I'd try my hand. A good night. Joined later by Stu, who is harmonica player in the Kyngs and it turns out knows my old friend Paul aka Dr Spacetoad, and that I had briefly met him once when in the pub with Dr S. Another interesting dip into the world of Brighton's musicians. They all seem to know each other.

Below part of the seafront now that spring is here.
