Wrong again?

Gym again, that's three days in a row which must be a good thing, surely.

A fortuitous meeting. Late in the afternoon, I took myself to a new cafe to work on a poem, but instead talked at length to the guys that run it. They are unusually receptive to new ideas, and the owner is a former event manager.

I suggested that they put my half-hour play Wrong on at lunchtime as I am tweaking this for Beth and Mark to perform at the moment. Wrong is a play I wrote over 10 years ago, and did with Mindy as a one off, later some other folks performed it in Glasgow.

It's a small farce: two people are bored, so decide to become actors and 'put the show on right here'. They discover an actor playing a corpse under their table. After a furious row, however, they accidentally kill this actor. 'Oh fuck, I've killed the corpse.' Then there is some corpse dragging and a resolution involving the corpse returning to life.

The cafe guys were sold on it, and once I can finish the rewrite and get Beth, Mark plus corpse up and running, we may be able to do it there. Quite pleased by all this. Talk also of perhaps launching AGD there too.

Somewhat buoyed by this serendipity, (and buzzing on three cups of coffee) met Matt and headed to The Basketmakers, where we had a hugely enjoyable drink (despite the slight awkwardness of finding ourselves sitting next to Lorraine's ex), and Lorraine joined in too as soon as she was able. Lorraine and I ended the evening with a curry - thus in one night neatly negating three days of the gym. So it goes.
