Cutting out the dead wood

Up with the lark on Sunday morning, although feeling pretty worn out. Began listening to some of the recordings I'd made with Anton yesterday, and I think there is enough (despite some fierce blasts of recorded wind) to be fine. Did bits of pieces of writing too, before catching up with Sprinkles on Skype. Spoke too to Mum, who is going great guns with her site, which I should be able to link to in a few days.

Sawed down the dead bits of the tree in my yard. Amazing how many branches and twigs of wood it produced. Also ran about town in the rain, doing things and looking at shelves, buying an extension lead for the aerial and other real life stuff.

However, I had a nice interlude watching a DVD a French film called Le Goût des autres which I bought on a whim as it was on sale, and really enjoyed. Funny, quite sad, and very well acted.

Spoke to Sprinkles again later, who had spent the day updating her blog with her trip to England, including being unnecessarily positive about Anton's cooking ability in her foodgasm posting.

Before bed I spoke to Toby who said that nothing much was going on. Apart that is from Spring coming and cheering everyone up in Toronto, the school year being on the wane, a forthcoming trip up to see Joan and Dick at Deviation Road, as well as the preparations for trip he and Romy are taking to Argentina.
