Wine time

A glorious day. Off this morning to collect Beth and James and go for a brief visit to the Rathfinney Estate, which is just five minutes or so from Beth and James's house by car, and then down a long private road. 

At the end of which was the place where the wine was made, and outside a very bourgeois 'farmer's market' with pottery and jewellery, and bread, and assorted artisanal goods and some grub such as dried mushrooms at exceptional prices. The estate is set in beautiful landscape, protected by the downs, an and great clattering of jackdaws wheeling round made it even more atmospheric. In today's gorgeous weather it seemed unlike England. Beth and James sampled some of the eyewateringly expensive wines.  I had a sip of what James was drinking, and it was one of those dry wines which gives you a cat's bum mouth, and not just because of the price. 

We sat by the cafe -- which was very crowded today -- on the grass at first, till Lorraine found she had been sitting on an ants nest. A certain amount of understandable squeaking and ant-brushing followed. We walked down to where some of the vines were and then back to the car.

Having dropping off Beth and James, we and sat in the garden at home with Pat and Maureen. Soon they moved indoors to watch the ladies Wimbledon final. A little Italian girl that Maureen liked lost unfortunately. I meanwhile went out for a short walk, not being over fussed by tennis.

A quiet Saturday night in after a boisterous Friday.

Snaps on the Estate.
