Talking to ourselves

Up early and recording with Robin. After four seasons of not featuring any of our own work, we decided to do that this time. A big decision as I don't want to jump the shark and I hope that it won't alienate our listeners but as we both have publications happening in the near future and the fact it is the going off on holiday episode, we felt it would be okay. So we recorded two sort of mini interviews, a bit less formal than our usual ones, with each other - and read three poems each. 

After recording, quite a bit of editing, and also a long walk.

Meanwhile Lorraine off to Bolney today, and went to a leaver's service in the church there. She loved this, seeing her former pupils on their last day. She went with Sarah, who has also left the school. Hugs from the new head, parents saying nice things to her. Then she went off to see her friends Jo and Rob in the village.  

A relaxed evening. Went down with Lorraine to the glasshouse, where the cucumbers are going gangbusters, and we finally got two small and delicious tomatoes. Also looking at our other crops, including two small cauliflower heads. 
