Making friends with Weasel

Off to Pulborough village this evening. Lorraine picked up Brian and Yvonne (and Marley the dog) and drove off to Sally and Marek's place -- where we met Eliza Sally's daughter. Patrick and Adele arrived shortly afterwards. First business was watching England beat Switzerland in a penalty shootout. England's penalties immaculate, surprisingly, and Ivan Toney, who plays for Brentford, did his special technique of shooting while holding the goalkeeper's gaze and not looking at the net at all.

Sally and Marek have a lovely home. Sally has made the walls dark and lovely, covered in paintings. And the river Arun runs at the bottom of their sloping garden. 

A curry ordered in, and we sat about drinking and making merry, while Sally and Marek's three dogs, and Marley generally scampering about. Sally has a new puppy called Weasel, and it was therefor impossible for me not to like this dog. One of the dogs, called Scout, joined in the singing once Patrick had picked up a guitar. A cheery night, and chatting with Brian and Yvonne all the way home. 

Cerasus magazine delivered, with two of my poems in it -- the reward of being on the shortlist for their chapbook contest. Always the bridesmaid. Gah.

Weasel, a constant blur of motion. Yvonne in the background. I really should take more photos of people.
