Westward ho

Off to Hereford today, after a good deal of packing and faffing. I also sent off What's Inside to David Longhorn at Supernatural Tales. Fingers crossed (Lorraine read it in bed this morning, and liked it). A long drive for Lorriane, but she managed it okay, and we had a break at a service station once we'd gone through the M25 bit. While driving along, I got an email from Hamish Whyte, the editor at Mariscat, with a rough text of the Mariscat sampler I will be in with Marilyn Ricci and Helen Evans.

A really jolly evening with Sue and John in Bromyard. I sat in the garden with John over a smoking barbecue chatting about all manner of things, including Chat GPT the ai tool. They had bought lots of meat, so we had pork steaks, and sausages and bits of aubergines and lots of salad, and we repaired indoors and ate and drank and generally caught up. They had been on lots of travels as usual, including Mauritius, that I went to many years ago. A lovely day.  Whiskey the dog on a lead much of the time, it is a bit of a barker with new people, but having a lead on, magically stops it. Funny how this works.
