Martello cure

A tad less bright eyed than usual thanks to last night's shenanigans. 

Lorraine and I did this afternoon go for a walk along the seafront and visit the Seaford Museum in the Martello tower. People say, we were told, that it is like a tardis, in that it seems much bigger outside than in. And they were right. Very eclectic mix of stuff in there, office machinery and white goods from the mid twentieth century, wartime history, costumes posters and so on,  a smattering of ancient flint axes and so on. One man called Simon approached usand asked I want to revert to childhood. I followed his instructions and pressed a button on a black box, which made one of the trains move on the model of the old Seaford Railway. I was more interested in seeing how it had all previously been laid out. 

Then we crept off to Morrisons, and had a quiet evening.

We also climbed up to stand on the roof of the tower, and look at the cannon. Took some snaps, a blustery bright day. Also a picture in the museum which was rather appropriate...
