A perfect evening for a beach picnic for Innis

A hot and lovely day. Started off tinkering with some poems, but instead felt like doing stuff. This translated into hanging a couple of pictures on the wall, and tidying my study up while Lorraine sat at my desk filling in some hideous legal forms. 

I then went to the gym, having decided to rejoin. I have become fat again after a year or so of being at the thin end of my personal spectrum, the hateful ventripotence is back. So I rejoined the gym today, and I am to return to more disciplined eating. 

Off this evening to Hove, actually, by bus too. Seaford to North Street fairly quick, then another bus across to Hove, a purchase of cold beer from the co-op and then we sauntered down to the beach to celebrate Innis's birthday. Innis, Rosie, Eve and a neighbour friend called Rob and his two grown up children. Then Julia and Jess arrived on bicycles, triggering Rosie and Lorraine to join them in the sea. Innis's pal Phil turned up, who I'd gone to see Michael Kiwanuka with pre-covid. Then Sam and Graham arrived. Lots of nice picnicky food, and a few cool beers and the loveliness of watching the sun lower, and the sky and sea take on the pearly colours. Innis seeming to have a lovely time.

Then back by bus, chatting to Toby on the way who is off on hols with Romy soon, and being texted by Bob, who had been walking the cliffs of Guernsey last week. A long journey, with a bus that only went to Newhaven, Lorraine and I home and desperate for wees. 

Early on in the gathering, with Innis at the back.  Innis and Phil, and the scene at around 8:20pm. 
