Duvet day with added AI

Felt lifeless and tired and my throat was closed up, and so called Mum and cancelled my visit to her. I had a very quiet day, what at the agency used to be called a duvet day.

I did a final read through of my What's Inside story. I also used Chat GPT to proof it, pasting in chunks several paragraphs at a time into the dialogue box. Other than a few commas, its suggestions were minimal, apart from it spotting a redundant word in a sentence, and wanting to run on a few sentences to make a bigger paragraph. I didn't accept all its suggestions of course, but as an intelligent assistant, another set of cyber eyes to run over a MS, it certainly saved me time. One time I forgot to type in the instruction 'please proof this'. It still proofed the paragraphs, but then, to my surprise, suggested what the next couple of paragraphs might be.What it supplied was clunky and cliched, which is perhaps reassuring.  

Dozed a bit too. By the end of the day was feeling a good deal brighter, and my throat was much more open.
