Bones with Anton

Otherwise Lorraine and I drove to Newhaven Fort again, conducted through the the rebuilding works by the same charming Polish builder, and picked up our framed pictures. These done very well by a man called John who also does framing for the Towner Gallery sometimes, so if it's good enough for them it's good enough for us. Popped into Lidl on the way back and then I spent the afternoon doing bits of faffing about and other stuff.

The final podcast till October went live today at 4pm. I was immediately beset by a host of insecurities and cringing as I read three of my own poems in it. 

Then to Brighton to see a well-looking Anton, we'd not met up since the beginning of June and I'd missed him. He'd been on a couple of much needed holidays. Lots to catch up on, and Anton had lots of amazing photos of his camino walk, and the Tories being stuffed in the election and so on. The coast of northern Spain looks green and gorgeous. We were heading to a pub where they served amazing burgers. But it seems the burger people had quit, and moved to another pub. Later we went to this second pub, and they had just stopped serving. We ate instead a tasty fatto a mano pizza in the North Laine, sitting under an awning with the rain falling. Then to the Evening Star to play dominoes and drink judicious halves.  Fond farewells, and I hopped onto the train and sped back to Seaford and my lovely Lorraine.

Below packing away after a game of bones with Anton in which I was victorious. A fox on the track at Brighton station. Long familiar with mice in tube train tunnels, but I never saw a fox inside a station before. There was a big hole by the side of the track it bolted through to God knows where afterwards. 
