New stone

Pat and Maureen driven home by Lorraine today. I meanwhile had to go off the vampires at my GP for a blood test. Efficiently done by a cheery young woman. Home and then wrote for a bit, then trained off to Brighton to collect Lorraine's ring, with the replaced stone. Very pleasant people in there and the new ring looking great. Texts with Anton today, we will meet up next week.

On the train back to Seaford I realised my throat was sore, and I was feeling lifeless. Dozed on the gold sofa, but was almost immediately woken up by someone talking about mobile phone contracts. 

When Lorraine home, we ate the curry I'd made, and had a quiet and happy night together. Spoke to Mum at nine, who said she had been kidnapped by the ladies down the road when she was dropping off a birthday card.

Lorraine read some more of A Horse and his Boy by C.S. Lewis before we fell asleep. It's one of Narnia books I have read less often, and not at all recently.
