Games in a sweltering garden

Anton round early this afternoon, having walked here in sweltering heat. he sat in the back garden drinking a few beers and playing one of his games, called Air, Land and Sea, which was quickly learnable and quite fun. Lorraine and I managed to win some of our games too.

Lorraine, Anton and I played this, and then after a snack we played some Euchre, which was great fun, and gave me the opportunity to talk in grandiose terms about having played the game for fifty years, and offering Anton helpful advice, while he asked if the game had English instructions as well as German and so on.

He bought with him a bottle of Woof Woof sauce, which he has tracked down from the people who used to serve woof woof wings in the Joker.

Anton set off home again, and Lorraine and I had a little doze after the rigours of the day.

A butterfly in the garden, which had pale blue wings when open. I think it is called a Small Blue butterfly. I like its stripy antennae.
