Maureen's birthday

Maureen's eightieth birthday today. She had too many cards to count. And phone calls coming to the house. To celebrate Beth had booked us a table at Hove Place, not far from where she lives, and we drove down there. A really nice time there, and the food was excellent too. I had fish and chips and the fish was beautiful, and the peas served three ways, in pea shoots, pea puree, and mushy. Maureen was on top form and I took lots of photos of her.

After lunch we ambled down the road to the sea for a bit of bracing air, before coming home.

Later there was a cake for Maureen too, which was great, and then we had a bit of the US Masters golf on, which both Pat and Maureen love.

Below Maureen, always with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, looking pretty chipper for eighty.
