Open House, open houses

Feeling the benefits of having had four days to get my life sorted. Up early, wrote a review of the Shakespeare Heptet, went out to buy bread, made tea and a quorn sausage sandwich in bed for Lorraine. I went back to bed for a bit. Then working on the book proposal for the marketing book, which I finally had time to send off today. Another big milestone achieved -- and all before lunch.

Lorraine and I spent the afternoon very enjoyably drifting about our side of Brighton and wandering into open houses with Anton, Rosie and Dawn. A few bits of interesting art, but much generic stuff too. If I saw one piece of ceramic modelled on a flower or part of a flower structure, I saw 100. Some of it beautifully done of course. In the last house we ate scones and drank tea in a beautiful garden. This done, off aptly enough, to The Open House pub where we sat outside in its rather good beer garden and ate food and had a few drinks. Dawn is just about to buy a new project house, a lovely little cottage in Steyning that needs quite a bit of work, while Rosie is looking to buy at the moment too, and saw one up the hill from where Lorraine and I are now.

Spoke to Sophie too while outside. She had sent us a wedding present, but it has gone to the wrong house. I will see her soon.

Home and Lorraine and I sat on the gold sofa, ate oranges and watched Wallender.
