Calliope and the crow

Working hard today. My Lorraine came home at lunch time and simply went to bed with a chamomile tea and a bad stomach and sparked out for two hours. Not something I have not seen her do before. She felt brighter later, and able to fork down some mashed butternut squash, potato and carrot. Mashed potato is No. 1 comfort food for my wife.

Became enraged trying to book tickets to Guernsey on Auringy's website (dealing with being a frequent flier, under Lorraine's name, which has changed to Kenny). Then going outside with recycling boxes in a howling gale that simply blew them over scattering their contents. Having packed it all back in the boxes brought it back to our house. A wild night, and Lorraine and I listened to the lashing rain as we fell asleep.

Below Calliope not much of a one for TV, but there was a BBC programme on tonight about the intelligence of crows, and Calliope watched it avidly. Here she is below, looking at a crow's brain. I wish I was as discerning about my viewing.
