Attacked in the forest

Anton called around at 7:55 and caught the train to Horsham and then walked into St Leonard's forest, home of dragons. Anton happily brandishing his two new walking sticks, which give him lthe look of a man missing a brace of skis. But it did offer double the protection against dogs.

Annoyingly though, after an hour of walking in the fresh and sunny morning I suddenly began to get a migraine. Stupid flashing lights in my eyes, and wussiness. We were about an hour from anywhere. With throbbing head I made it to a golf club house, which allowed me to make a call to get a taxi. Our mobile phones not working. All extremely galling as we had planned a 15 mile walk and it was a beautiful day for it. I felt bad for Anton.

Fortunately we made it back to Brighton very quickly, and then I simply slept for some time on my sofa. Did almost nothing for the rest of the day apart from make some bread and watch the X Factor on TV.

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