Peace reigns

Another scorcher, and peace reigned in Kenny towers for the first time in what seemed like ages. Drank coffee and wrote poems on the new and beautiful decking, blessing Clem's cotton socks as I did so.  In the afternoon I walked into the big woods above Stanmer Park, right at the edge of town. I followed the path out onto the downs for a bit too. Quite a strong breeze up there too.  Felt peaceful and at one with myself in the woods. I was listening to a new audiobook by Philip Roth, having not read any of his work before. But I soon took my headphones out in the wood, and listened to the wind in the trees. The woodland floor cracked due to the heatwave and drought.

Looking down on Brighton from what seemed afar was good too. I just seem to be in an interlude in my life where I am reappraising everything, and having a mental spring clean, it's easy to spot the things that aren't working in my own practise, but the challenge now is the do things differently.

Home having walked for almost two hours, and then watching the England v Belgium game. England were like old England again, and lost 1-0. However it was a phoney game, as both England and Belgium, who had both already qualified from their group, were playing their second 11s to save their best players for the knockout rounds. As a footie spectacle though it may have been the worst game of the tournament.

Lorraine in need of smoothie, after a difficult day with people being unreasonable. I put it down to the full moon.

Below, high in the downs, the invasion of the black hay bales, nice trees on a large woodland path, and shadows on the cycle path while walking back.
