A breath of air

Working on poems this morning, as well as talking briefly to Clem about the state of the decking. The wood that is currently strewn around the garden we've arranged to have collected on Thursday. The special joists to finish the job on the side passage, have been delays and promises broken, which means the job could remain unfinished for some time. Next thing to look forward to is an invasion of plumbers and tilers coming to fix our bathroom upstairs in a couple of weeks, at more cost and disruption.

Thankfully, Lorraine showing signs of being somewhat better now. She crept down with me to the fish and chip shop (I'd had a sudden craving) and back, her first time venturing outside since last Thursday, and was on the phone talking to her team.

First walk for a few days. While Lorraine has been properly ill, I have also been off colour with a persistent sore throat etc. the unusually high levels of  pollen may account for this.

I walked up to the Hillfort, and in the woods around and about the golf course, and then home the long way to ensure I made my ten thousand paces. Low on energy, but enjoyed being out with the wind on my face, even if the top of the hill fort sets off a feelings of agoraphobia. Finished listening to Time Torn Man, the biography of Thomas Hardy. In Clair Tomalin's account, the creatures of his imagination were more vivid than real people. He had a long and increasingly vexatious marriage, but when his wife Emma died, she became a creature of his imagination and he fell in love with her all over again. This didn't stop him marrying a much younger woman in short order though.

Reading, and then watching the evening game between Russia and Egypt, which the plucky Russians won.

Below, views down to Brighton and the low misty cloud over the sea. Two magpies on the little path on top of the raised circle of the hill fort.
