Galling, falling

Up for a couple of hours working on a new poem, then off to Lewes to have a long and cheery meeting with Robin for a couple of hours, planning the rest of the year's Telltale activities. A perfect blue sky and warm sun today.  Lewes doing its best to look lovely in the fresh light.

Back to London Road station, and then walked into town where I was again unable to pick up the present I had ordered for Lorraine yet again, despite it being promised on Monday. Some phoning back and forth afterwards. I felt sorry for the woman having to try to sort out the problem, but the whole thing is galling and frustrating. I bought Lorraine some Sweet Williams for when she came back from work, and I will have to pick up her present later.

Working in the garden with Lorraine late this afternoon. Feeling blocked and irritated, I sat about reading poems by Victor Hugo and Pascale Petit -- then cooked for us. Lorraine and I then went out after dark for a nice walk around the park, seeing familiar looking foxes while we did so. We saw the new moon not through glass, and the last bits of colour from the sunset all of which was lovely.

Home and come bedtime I had almost walked 17k paces for the day. I just needed a thirty or forty new steps so, as I was brushing my teeth and like the most brainless of Darwin awards contenders) I managed to fall down the stairs and land heavily, much shaken and in pain, and thinking I heard some sort of crack. I seem not to have broken anything, and could stand but my right leg hurts a good deal, but as it was almost midnight I hobbled to bed.

Below a view snapped on the way to London Road station, across the little Blakers Park down to the sea.
